
  FIRST QUALITY comment Self-driving cars will also drive us round the bend Nowadays our lifestyle has changed due to the fact that machines are learning fast to think on their own. This can be a big problem caused by us because it is easier to use the robots than doing ourselves activities they can do. Nowadays, robots can not do all the activities that humans can do, but in the future they will be able to do everything and even do it better than us, so they will replace us. On the one hand, machines and robots have many benefits because they help us carry out activities that we usually do and so we have more time to do other things that they can not do. So, they will make our life easier because they will reduce the work that we have to do. Like the robots that can clean our house alone or make us food. Besides, they can help the elderly a lot to get up after a fall. They can also remind them when to take medications or even help them wash their hair. And in the future
COMMENT 20 What to eat or not to eat? that is the question!!! Worldwide, the number of allergies in children is increasing, especially food allergy with tragic consequences such as the death of two British teenagers after eating sesame and peanuts. This allergy has increased in the last 30 years, especially in industrialized societies. People think that allergies and greater sensitivity to food are probably environmental and are related to Western lifestyles, due to, there are lower rates of allergies in developing countries. They are also more likely to occur in urban areas than in rural areas. The increase in allergies in recent decades has been particularly noticeable in the West. Food allergy now affects about 7% of children in the United Kingdom and 9% of those in Australia and throughout Europe, 2% of adults have food allergies. An allergy is caused by the immune system fighting substances in the environment that it should see as harmless, known as allergens. Th
RABBIT-PROOF FENCE The book tells the story of how 3 Australian half-caste girls were taken to a settlement school that they were forced to attend in Australia, away from their families and homes to learn how to be raised to work at home. The girls were Molly and her younger sister, Daisy Burungu, eight, and her cousin Gracie Fields, eleven, escaped from there and walked home, first walking east to the rabbit-proof fence from north to south in Western Australia and then to the north. 'following the rabbit test fence home'. All the way they survived by eating what the people of the farms give them and sleeping in holes made by rabbits. Gracie left the other two girls on the way home to look for her mother. It was recaptured and returned to Moore River. The three met 30 years later. Molly and Daisy returned to Jigalong where their family were very happy to have their daughters at home.
COMMENT Nowadays, buying online is very popular. There are many people who buy online because it is very comfortable and has many advantages. Although it can also be dangerous and have many disadvantages. On the one hand, buying online has many advantages. Online we can buy all kinds of products such as: food, clothing, electronic things, plane flights … In online stores, there are usually more offers and variety of products than in the store. In addition, f or people with physical disabilities it is more difficult to go to real stores and prefer to buy online. On the other hand, buying online has many disadvantages. In real stores we can see, touch and try on the clothes , things that we can’t do online. In addition, if everyone buys online the real stores will disappear and the workers would lose their job. Besides, by making an online payment through an insecure transaction, you may be exposed to fraud or identity theft.
COMMENT Nowadays, there are different types of fashion because in the latest years fashion has changed a lot. For example: the scumbro, is the most popular trend in men's fashion 2018. This fashion consists of wearing too big and too expensive clothes, brands like: Versace, Palace, Gucci, Supreme and Prada. These brands are inaccessible to most young people, so young male celebrities are the ones who usually wear this style, like: Justin Bieber, Shia LaBeouf, Jonah Hill, Pete Davidson and Shia LaBeouf. They are criticized on social networks for wearing this type of clothing because most people think it is horrible and ugly. In my opinion, everyone can dress as they want and shouldn't worry about the opinion of others. For me, scumbro fashion is very ugly and also very expensive.
COMENTARIO Every day we are online talking with our friends… Therefore, one of the problems of new technologies is to meet people online. Because that can be good or bad, it have consequences. On the one hand, when you meet someone online you can learn about what he is really like or not. Because it is easier to express feelings online than face to face. This person can deceive you with his feelings and emotions and not be who they say they are. On the other hand, It’s estimated that one in five of us is meeting our partners online. This datum is a bit worrying because fewer and fewer couples know each other as they are really. And this can mean that if the relationship isn’t well known, it will last less time. From my point of view, meeting people online can be good or not. Therefore, I think that face-to-face relationships are better because you know the person really, both to make friends and to know your partner.