WRITING 02 When I was in the first year, it was very different from now because I have changed in many ways. As in the character, the way of studying, the organization, the way of dressing. I used to go to school with a blue backpack, a pink case and a purple folder . I remember one day I brought a dress and now I do not use it anymore. Above all, I used to have more free time because now I have to study more studies and more tasks. I used to study longer for my exams and now I take less because I already have a study habit. Also, now I organize myself much better than before. I used to be more nervous and messier in class than now. I used to participate less in class than now because I was embarrassed but I also used to talk more in class with my friends. I think I have changed a lot because every year I learn new things, I study better and, above all, I have matured day by day.
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018
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COMMENT 1 We live in a privileged country because there are poorer countries than ours, because in other countries people die unfortunately due to lack of food every day. Nowadays, we can help them. For example, every day we waste food in our homes and other people need it to survive. In addition, in many supermarkets the products that aren't in perfect conditions are discarded, so that all the food has a good appearance for the people.This food is good for our health and appearance does not affect us. We can use this food for people who don't have enough money to eat every day. As Tesco, he is the only retailer in the UK that no longer wastes food that is fit for human consumption in its supermarket. From my point of view, we must appreciate what we have, because many people dream of having to eat every day. We have to help them and not waste so much food thinking about them.
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WRITING 01 Last summer, I went to a camping in Cazorla with my family. One day, I was in my car on the way to a waterfall, when suddenly we saw the driver to another car throw the fad-end to the ground. It fell to a bush and caused a big fire. My father drove fast and when we are safe I call the fire department. Firefighters couldn’t put out the fire because it was too big.They evicted the people from de camp and took us to a shelter. We were in the shelter three days because the firefighters couldn’t put out the fire. Luckily, on the fourth day a great storm began and extinguished the fire but that flooded the camping. And we had to stay one more day in the shelter.